Humans of GLISS Blog

Dan's Story

By GLISS  -  November 16th, 2022

* The names in today’s story have been altered for privacy. *

When looking back on life, Dan felt like he was in a constant uphill battle. “Always one step forward and two steps back”, he said. Most days felt like time was wasting by, with no significance. Dan bounced from job to job, and house to house, inevitability ending up in exhaustion – mentally, physically, and emotionally.

His life left like it was slowly slipping out of his hands. The gradual fade from being on the path to achieving his goals, to losing his basic life necessities, Dan’s life path hit a dead end. “It was almost as if it happened over night. One day I woke up and I had no where to go. I felt purposeless”. Lacking direction and stability Dan had no other choice than to put pride aside and accept help. 

Dan grew fascinated with people who were living the life he wanted to live. He watched and studied how they made it to where they did, and he began to mimic these in his own life. Much of what he emulated was simple tasks like: getting up at the same time every day, being flexible with life changes, staying grateful and keeping motivated to create the life you want! 

Making small changes every day, Dan began to see his life shift for the positive. He began accepting jobs in different industries to bulk up his experience and become a desirable candidate to many different industries. Day by day, he was feeling purpose come back into his life. Dan’s journey isn’t over yet, as he is working on saving up to afford a place of his own, he reminds himself daily of the past life he lived, and constantly reflects on the hard work he continues to put in to change his life course. 

Dan left us with this statement: “If anyone out there is feeling stuck, or purposeless, find someone to look up to. Learn from successful people, emulate what they did and hone in on their habits and routines. Make the best of life while working on yourself and stay grateful!” 

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