Humans of GLISS Blog

Erin's Story

By GLISS  -  June 15th, 2022

Today we bring you the story of Erin. A dedicated employee who pushed past the boundaries of a past mistake.

Erin’s testimony starts with getting in some trouble. Those who have a criminal history, or are close with someone else who does, know how unnerving looking for work can be. Filling out applications, passing interviews, submitting reference checks just to get denied a position because your background check came back with some marks. Erin was needing to financially provide for herself, and after running into these issues, Erin started working at Subway.

The job seemed fitting. It provided financial freedom as well as some potential room for growth. Erin had her eyes set on working in management there and proving to herself that she CAN do whatever her heart is set on. She worked diligently and served her team every single shift. Suddenly the position came available and she knew she was the perfect fit. An application went in and she waited to hear the good news… Unfortunately that good news never came. The position was filled by someone else who had less qualifications than she.

Sometimes life seems like it keeps knocking you down. But in the end it’s not about how many times you fall, it’s about how many times you stand back up. Erin stood back up after that and sought out a position with more consistency. She found a position through as at a large production facility. This job brought a consistent schedule, room for growth and a team of people behind her to lift her up and support her in her employment.

Erin never thought she would be able to work a job like this with her criminal history. She would only apply for jobs that she thought others wouldn’t want or work for companies who were desperate but her mind changed when she met GLISS. Our passion for creating opportunity and providing second chances is the beat to the song of the company’s heart. We are so proud of the work you put in Erin. Thank you for trusting us with your employment!

Erin has a positive and passionate aura about her so we asked her “What is advice you would share with someone reading your story today?” Here is what she had to say:

“Do not doubt yourself because of your past life. There are people out there that will give you a second chance and GLISS is one of them. GLISS is amazing! Maggie has gone above and beyond to help me with work and to stay focused. GLISS IS AN AMAZING BUSINESS.”

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